Friday, May 15, 2009

National Pet Food Awareness Day!

In an effort to create a national awareness program, and spread the concerns about many pet foods containing toxic chemicals and very low quality ingredients, May 21, 2009 has been proclaimed by TPFAI as National Pet Food Awareness Day. Many people are still very unaware of what they are feeding their pets and we hope to inform as many people as possible.

An important fact to share is that just because a particular food is a best seller in no way indicates it is a quality food. Most of the "best selling" pet foods are loaded with chemicals and the lowest quality ingredients available. Several of these best sellers are also some of the most expensive foods on the market. A holistic pet food must contain human quality ingredients and NO chemicals! Beware of the "best selling" pet foods.

Please send a link to our blog to everyone in your email list. Although everyone may not own a pet...everyone knows someone with a pet and this information could benefit both owner and pet alike.

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